Find Sites With Utilities in Place in Preston County, WV
July 3, 2023
From a few acres to 80 acres in size, there are sites with utilities in place in Preston County, WV. In addition to a strong utility network, our broadband access supports business growth. Just recently, West Virginia added 130,000 broadband connections so this is a top priority at the local and state level.
Looking for a building to repurpose for your industry needs? Pre-existing buildings are ready and located both in and outside of industrial parks as well.
Find Sites with Utilities in Place in Preston County, WV
With many building sites under a mile from major Interstate 68 and proximity to Morgantown Municipal Airport; it’s easy to reach major markets from Preston County, WV. The sites with utilities in place in Preston County, WV, typically have electric, gas, water, and broadband infrastructure. You can view available sites in Preston County here.
One of the significant benefits of doing business in Preston County is that no permits or zoning restrictions are required. Reach out to our expert team at Preston County Economic Development Authority to explore the sites with utilities in place in Preston County, WV or to learn about our easy building process.